ASP.NET Tutorials

What is the difference between razor and webform view engine?

In MVC, View engine holds the responsibility of rendering the view to the browser. MVC supports Razor Engine and Web Form by default. There are a lot of Third Party View engines available for use, We can go for them as well. Eg: Nhaml, Park, NDjango, SharpDOM etc. Lets see the difference between Razor and Web Form View engines. Razor view engine Webform view engine Razor view engine uses System.Web.Razor namespace Webform view engine uses System.Web.Mvc. WebformViewEngine …

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ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers SET – 2

Following are some basic Interview Questions and Answers set of ASP.NET. How can you display all validation messages in one control? We can display in one control using ValidationSummary control. How can you register a custom server control to a Web page? We can register a custom server control using @Register directive. What is the default timeout for a Cookie? 30 minutes How many web.config files can I have in …

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ASP.NET Interview Questions and Answers SET – 1

Following are some basic Interview Questions and Answers set of ASP.NET. What is the difference between web.config and machine.config? Settings made is machine.config is applied to all the web applications on the server whereas settings made in web.config is applied to that particular web application. There can be only one machine.config file on the server. There can be more than one web.config file on the server depends on the number …

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