There are two type of searching one the exact match search(AND) and other is not exact match search(OR). Exact Match(AND), it means the search implemented with the entire search phrase. Like if you have searched for ‘Samsung Mobile‘ then you will get only the results for ‘Samsung Mobile‘. Not Exact Match(OR), it means the search implemented with the specific word in search phrase. Like if you have searched for Samsung …
Magento Tutorials
MySQL server has gone away in Magento
Recently I faced a problem MySQL server has gone away in Magento when I was moved the code from one hosting to another hosting. Actually the problem came into notice when I try to place order sometimes it sends me back to cart page and sometimes after the successful payment via standard PayPal the order status didn’t change and remain as pending payment. Then I trace the problem by checking …
How to Add CC in Contact Us in Magento
In this post I am explaining simple code tricks to add CC in contact us email in Magento Admin under the Email Options of Contacts menu. You can add any email that you want for contact usĀ CC email address. To see CC email address field go to System -> Configuration -> General -> Contacts and you will see Send Emails CC in Contacts -> Email Options section. So you …
How to Enable Error Log in Magento
Sometimes after moving Magento website to the production environment from development environment, we face a problem that some customized feature is not working. Sometimes third party Magento Extensions generates error to the website. Sometimes we get serious errors or broken stuffs. To find the reason behind these kind of errors you can check error log in Magento. So in this post I am writing simple steps to enable Error Log …
System File Path instead of URLs in Magento
Recently I found a problem with CSS and JavaScript paths in Magento when I was moving the code from one hosting to another hosting. When I completely moved the code and database I visited the admin url and front url I found CSS and JavaScript was not loading. When I checked the HTML source I found that Magento using system file path instead of urls and the HTML source code …
Table rate shipping set max limit for the weight
In case of table rate shipping you can set the max limit for the weight by applying this process: 1. in shipping/etc/system.xml for tablerate fields insert these lines Weight Max Limit text 81 1 1 1 2. you can set the default value in shipping/etc/config.xml for tablerate 3. in shipping/model/carrier/tablerate.php put these lines after line 113 now if you have max weight in cart the message will be display on …
Useful Collection Functions of Magento
There are many different useful functions that you can implement in your Collection class. These functions are described in Varien_Data_Collection_Db class. This class file is in lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php Here i am listing some important collection functions that you can use in your collection class: To get Zend_Db_Select instance To get select string of sql object To get the size of collection To get distinct selection To get all data array for …
Set product reviews automatically approved in magento
If you want to set product reviews as approved automatically. you can do this by change in some Go to Code > Core > Mage > Review > controllers > ProductController.php and Find this code on approx line no. 177 Just change this line with following line