WordPress has the ability to send or receive the trackbacks/ping to and from other sites. If you want to disable trackbacks in WordPress, follow the instructions in this tutorial below.
First you need to disable the pings and trackbacks from the settings > discussions page. Just uncheck the option of
“Allow link notifications from other blogs (pings and trackbacks) on new articles” inĀ Default article settings and save changes.
If you are already getting pings and trackbacks from the other sites you need to update your posts and disallow the pings. Please check below image of quick edit.

In other way you can execute below query to disable trackbacks from the posts.
UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post'; UPDATE wp_posts SET ping_status='closed' WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'page';
Hope this tutorial will help you to disable trackbacks in WordPress.